“Rolex: The Story Behind the Style” presents a concise visual journey through the illustrious history of the world-renowned watch brand. From its inception in 1905 to its current global prominence, this book encapsulates the company’s evolution with rich photographs and comprehensive insights. It unravels Rolex’s pioneering designs, technological advancements, and enduring appeal to leaders and celebrities alike. Explore the range of professional watches designed for rugged activities, discover the iconic Rolex crown emblem’s origin, and trace its presence at historical milestones worldwide. Delve into Rolex’s cinematic moments, philanthropic endeavours, and its reputation as a valuable investment. Perfect for watch enthusiasts.
ISBN | 9781800787179 |
Format | Hardback |
Published | 27/11/2023 |
Publisher | STUDIO PRESS |
Dimensions | 12.6 × 18.1 cm |