This exquisite anthology compiles three seminal works by occultist Aleister Crowley, featuring a striking gold-embossed cover and gilded edges. Crowley, a prominent figure in 20th-century occultism, synthesized mysticism, ceremonial magic, and Eastern spiritual traditions. Including poetry, fiction, and spiritual philosophy, these worksClouds Without Water, Moonchild, and The Book of the Lawoffer a profound insight into Crowley’s literary legacy. A must-have for enthusiasts of Crowley’s philosophy and those intrigued by the occult, this anthology epitomizes his enduring influence. Part of the Mystic Archives series, known for its luxurious presentation, it’s a collector’s item for those delving into esoteric arts.
ISBN | 9781398835146 |
Format | Hardback |
Published | 30/09/2024 |
Dimensions | 18 × 23 cm |